Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Professional Development Individual Units Microcredentials

Discover our range of professional development individual units designed specifically for those working in the tourism, travel and hospitality sector, offering you the flexibility to choose the subjects from our range of aged care units that best meet your professional development needs and career goals.

Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Professional Development Individual Units For Enrolment

Course Overview

This short course provides training on maintaining cleanliness and sanitation in a professional kitchen environment. Learn to select, prepare, and utilise cleaning agents and chemicals, as well as personal protective equipment, to effectively clean and sanitise kitchen equipment, service-ware, utensils, and premises, ensuring the safety of food prepared and served to customers while adhering to hygiene standards and protocols.


1. Clean and sanitise kitchen equipment. 1.1. Select and prepare cleaning agents and chemicals and personal protective equipment according to cleaning schedule and product instructions.

1.2. Clean and sanitise kitchen equipment to ensure safety of food that is prepared and served to customers.

1.3. Store clean equipment in designated place.

2. Clean service-ware and utensils. 2.1. Sort service-ware and utensils and load dishwasher with appropriate items.

2.2. Hand wash any items not appropriate for dishwasher.

2.3. Dispose of broken or chipped service-ware within scope of responsibility, and report losses to supervisor.

2.4. Ensure that sufficient supplies of clean, undamaged crockery are available at all times during the service period.

3. Clean and sanitise kitchen premises. 3.1. Clean and sanitise kitchen surfaces and food preparation and storage areas according to cleaning schedule to ensure the safety of food that is prepared and served to customers.

3.2. Clean areas of any animal and pest waste and report incidents of infestation.

3.3. Follow safety procedures in the event of a chemical accident.

3.4. Sort and promptly dispose of kitchen waste to avoid cross-contamination with food stocks.

Course Overview

This course equips participants with the skills to effectively prepare for, conduct, and follow up on on-the-job coaching sessions. Learn to identify coaching needs, communicate effectively, provide demonstrations, offer constructive feedback, and monitor progress to enhance colleague performance and achieve organisational objectives.


1. Prepare for on-the-job coaching. 1.1. Identify need for coaching based on assessment of relevant factors.

1.2. Identify specific coaching needs through discussion with colleague and organise coaching sessions.

2. Coach colleagues on-the-job. 2.1. Explain overall purpose of coaching to colleague.

2.2. Explain and demonstrate specific skills.

2.3. Communicate required knowledge and check colleague understanding.

2.4. Advise on organisational procedures for completing workplace tasks.

2.5. Provide colleague with opportunity to practise skill and ask questions.

2.6. Provide feedback in constructive and supportive manner.

3. Follow-up coaching. 3.1. Monitor progress of new workplace skills and provide supportive assistance.

3.2. Report progress to the appropriate person.

3.3. Identify performance problems or difficulties with coaching and rectify or refer to appropriate person for follow-up.

Course Overview

Explore marketing fundamentals and the art of planning and executing strategic marketing activities while nurturing positive relationships with industry partners. Learn to evaluate marketing endeavours effectively, leveraging market insights to inform future planning and propel organisational growth through insightful reporting and analysis.


1. Plan and organise marketing activities. 1.1. Plan marketing activities according to marketing plan or other organisational systems.

1.2. Identify, analyse and incorporate relevant market information and legal, ethical and sustainability requirements into short-term planning.

1.3. Confirm target markets and marketing medium.

1.4. Evaluate potential and suitability of marketing opportunities that arise.

1.5. Proactively seek and evaluate innovative marketing opportunities, including use of new technologies and media.

1.6. Develop and implement action plans to address operational details.

2. Undertake a general public relations role. 2.1. Establish and conduct positive relationships with industry and media colleagues.

2.2. Use networks to support marketing activities.

2.3. Develop public relations resources as required, including media releases and industry or media support materials.

3. Review and report on marketing activities. 3.1. Review activities according to agreed evaluation methods and incorporate results into future planning.

3.2. Prepare reports according to organisational policy and required timeframes.

3.3. Present current and clear market intelligence to inform sales and marketing planning.

Course Overview

This short course provides training in market analysis, menu development, cost evaluation, and menu writing techniques. Learn to evaluate market trends, identify target markets, develop balanced menus tailored to customer preferences, cost menus for profitability, and craft enticing menu content to enhance customer satisfaction and maximise revenue potential.


1. Evaluate market trends and identify target markets. 1.1. Identify current customer market based on past and current sales performance.

1.2. Analyse current customer profile and food service preferences.

1.3. Source information on current and emerging food service trends and customer preferences.

1.4. Evaluate market trends for relevance to organisational service style and cuisine.

1.5. Identify target markets based on the nature, style and location of the operation.

2. Develop menus. 2.1. Evaluate food service preferences of target markets and create menus to meet market needs and preferences.

2.2. Develop menus to provide balanced variety of dishes for the style of cuisine.

2.3. Sequence menu items according to menu requirements.

2.4. Analyse operational constraints when designing menus.

3. Cost menus for profitability. 3.1. Itemise proposed components of the included dishes.

3.2. Calculate portion yields and costs of ingredients.

3.3. Determine net production costs of menu items.

3.4. Determine required profit margin and calculate selling price to ensure maximum profitability.

3.5. Assess cost-effectiveness and profitability of proposed dishes to form a menu with balanced yield.

3.6. Make reasonable cost adjustments to ensure price-competitive menus.

4. Write menu content. 4.1. Write menus using terminology appropriate for the market and organisational service style.

4.2. Follow required menu item naming conventions for the style of cuisine.

4.3. Present sequence of service on printed menus for ease of customer reading.

4.4. Use accurate and innovative descriptions that promote the sale of menu items.

Course Overview

This course offers a comprehensive approach to developing and implementing effective food safety programs tailored to organisational needs. Learn to evaluate hazards, develop control measures, implement procedures, participate in audits, and continually evaluate and revise programs to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and the highest level of food safety.


1. Evaluate organisational requirements for food safety program. 1.1. Evaluate organisational characteristics that impact on food safety.

1.2. Examine food handling operations and processes and identify potential or existing food hazards.

1.3. Identify critical control points in food preparation system where food hazards and contaminants must be controlled.

1.4. Identify product suppliers and determine quality assurance specifications for foodstuffs supplied.

1.5. Evaluate existing product specifications for food items prepared and sold.

1.6. Evaluate existing policies and procedures and monitoring practices, including record keeping, and assess need for change.

2. Develop food safety program to control hazards. 2.1. Identify and consult with stakeholders in program development.

2.2. Integrate regulatory requirements and standards into policies and procedures.

2.3. Establish and document critical control points and control methods for each point.

2.4. Develop procedures for systematic monitoring of controls and associated record keeping.

2.5. Develop corrective action procedures for uncontrolled hazards.

2.6. Develop or modify and record product specifications covering food items prepared and sold.

2.7. Identify training needs and develop training program.

2.8. Develop schedule for regular review of food safety program.

2.9. Document food safety program and provide to regulatory authorities as required.

3. Implement food safety program. 3.1. Communicate food safety programs, policies, procedures and product specifications to colleagues and ensure display of appropriate signage and access to information.

3.2. Organise appropriate training and mentoring.

3.3. Monitor operational activities to ensure that policies and procedures are followed.

3.4. Manage response to incidents of uncontrolled food hazards and oversee implementation of corrective action procedures.

3.5. Make changes to practices that led to the food safety breach, and document, communicate and implement changes.

3.6. Maintain food safety management documents.

4. Participate in food safety audit. 4.1. Ensure food safety program is audited as required by legislation.

4.2. Participate in food safety program audits and provide assistance to inspectors.

4.3. Retain records of food audits according to legislative requirements.

5. Evaluate and revise food safety program. 5.1. Conduct scheduled review of food safety program in consultation with colleagues.

5.2. Validate required food safety controls.

5.3. Review policies, procedures, product specifications, monitoring systems and record keeping methods, and revise as required.

5.4. Prepare and document amended food safety program and provide to regulatory authorities as required.

5.5. Communicate changes and monitor inclusion in production processes.

5.6. Identify and respond to additional training needs based on changes to food safety practices.

Course Overview

This short course provides a comprehensive approach to developing and managing quality customer service practices in diverse organisational settings. Learn to assess customer needs, integrate feedback, establish policies and procedures, and monitor service delivery to ensure consistent excellence and adaptability to evolving customer expectations.


1. Develop quality customer service practices. 1.1. Obtain information on customer needs, expectations and satisfaction levels using both formal and informal research.

1.2. Provide opportunities for customers and staff to give feedback on products and services.

1.3. Review changes in internal and external environments and integrate findings into planning for quality service.

1.4. Provide opportunities for staff to participate in development of customer service practices.

1.5. Develop policies and procedures for quality service provision.

2. Manage delivery of quality service. 2.1. Communicate policies, procedures and expectations to staff.

2.2. Make policies readily available to customers and staff.

2.3. Monitor customer service in the workplace to ensure standards are met.

2.4. Initiate staff training to enhance customer service.

2.5. Take responsibility for service outcomes and dispute resolution.

2.6. Act as a positive role model for professional standards expected of service industry personnel.

3. Monitor and adjust customer service. 3.1. Seek ongoing feedback from staff and customers to improve performance.

3.2. Assess effectiveness of customer service practices.

3.3. Identify systemic customer service problems and adjust policies and procedures to improve service quality.

3.4. Develop, document and communicate new approaches to customer service to staff involved in service delivery.

Course Overview

This course will assist participants in developing and managing recipes tailored to specific dietary needs and requirements. Participants will gain insights into identifying various dietary requirements, creating nutritious and balanced recipes, managing costs, and continuously monitoring and adapting recipes to ensure suitability and customer satisfaction.


1. Identify recipe requirements. 1.1. Identify lifestyle, medical or religious recipe requirements of different customer groups.

1.2. Follow dietary advice provided by other professionals where relevant.

1.3. Identify key health and legal consequences of ignoring special dietary requirements of customers.

2. Develop recipes for special diets. 2.1. Select a variety of suitable foods and recipes to meet specific requirements.

2.2. Identify appropriate combinations of food to meet macro- and micro-nutrient requirements.

2.3. Develop recipes that balance nutritional requirements and variety.

2.4. Recommend food preparation, cooking and storage methods to maximise nutritional value of food.

3. Cost and document special recipes. 3.1. Calculate expenditure items to determine production costs of recipes.

3.2. Calculate portion yields and costs from ingredients.

3.3 Assess cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints.

4. Monitor suitability of special recipes. 4.1. Use feedback from customers and others to determine suitability of recipes.

4.2. Analyse the suitability of recipes against dietary goals, nutritional requirements and customer needs.

4.3. Adjust recipes based on feedback and suitability.

Course Overview

This short course provides training in delivering exceptional customer service, covering aspects from understanding customer needs to proactive problem-solving and complaint resolution. Learn to provide personalised service, anticipate customer preferences, handle difficult situations, and build lasting relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.


1. Provide a quality service experience. 1.1. Determine and confirm customer preferences, needs and expectations.

1.2. Advise customers about appropriate products and services to meet their needs.

1.3. Anticipate customer preferences, needs and expectations throughout the service experience.

1.4. Promptly provide products and services with professional and personalised service to meet individual preferences.

1.5. Offer extras and add-ons and provide tailored and additional products and services.

1.6. Check actioning of special requests before customer delivery.

1.7. Liaise with team members and suppliers to ensure efficient service delivery.

1.8. Share customer information with team members to ensure quality service.

2. Proactively respond to difficult service situations. 2.1. Identify problems with products and services and take immediate action to address before provision to customer.

2.2. Anticipate delays in product and service provision and regularly update customer on expected outcomes.

2.3. Advise customers of alternative products and services.

2.4. Proactively compensate for service difficulty in line with own level of responsibility and organisational policy.

2.5. Provide ongoing internal feedback on service issues and suggest improvements.

3. Resolve customer complaints. 3.1. Use questioning techniques to establish and agree on nature, possible cause, and details of the complaint.

3.2. Assess impact of complaint on customer.

3.3. Take responsibility for resolving complaints in a professional manner and using communication techniques to assist in their management.

3.4. Determine options to resolve complaints and promptly analyse and decide on optimal solutions, taking organisational constraints into account.

3.5. Act swiftly to resolve complaints and prevent escalation, in consultation with customer and to customer satisfaction.

3.6. Turn complaints into opportunities to demonstrate high quality customer service.

3.7. Provide internal feedback on customer complaints and feedback and required follow-up in order to avoid future occurrence.

3.8. Review and evaluate complaints and solutions to enhance response to future issues.

4. Develop customer relationships. 4.1. Promote repeat business by offering promotional services according to individual empowerment and organisational policy.

4.2. Maintain customer profiles to enhance service delivery.

4.3. Provide personalised service to customers in a professional manner that builds repeat business.

4.4. Provide tailored products and services based on customer profile.

Course Overview

This short course equips participants with the knowledge and skills to identify, research, and manage legal risks and compliance needs within business operations. Learn to assess legal requirements, access relevant information sources, develop risk management strategies, ensure compliance, and maintain up-to-date knowledge to mitigate legal risks effectively.


1. Identify legal risks and compliance needs. 1.1. Evaluate areas of business operation for which legal risk management and compliance is required.

1.2. Identify legal risks and compliance requirements that arise in business operations.

2. Research information required for legal compliance. 2.1. Identify sources of information for compliance with laws and licensing for business operations.

2.2. Access regulatory and other legal information relevant to specific business operation.

2.3. Identify risks, penalties and consequences of non-compliance.

2.4. Assess and act on need for specialist legal advice.

3. Consider legal risk management strategies and actions for legal compliance. 3.1. Articulate legal risk management strategies and actions necessary to comply with laws.

3.2. Develop practices for updating personnel to ensure they have current knowledge of roles and responsibilities for legal risk management and compliance.

4. Ensure management of legal risks and compliance with legal requirements. 4.1. Maintain business and occupational licences and check contractor contracts and conduct to avoid risk to business.

4.2. Continuously evaluate business operations for non-compliance and implement modifications.

5. Maintain personal and organisational knowledge of legal risk management strategies and compliance requirements. 5.1. Identify and use opportunities to maintain knowledge of current legal risk management strategies and legal compliance requirements.

5.2. Use organisational communication methods to share updated regulatory knowledge.

Course Overview

This course provides essential training in hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk management strategies. Learn to effectively identify hazards, assess associated risks, and implement measures to eliminate or control risks, ensuring a safe working environment in compliance with organizational procedures and standards.


1. Identify hazards. 1.1. Access and use hazard identification tools and template documents.

1.2. Work alone or with other personnel to identify hazards.

1.3. Keep records of identified hazards according to organisational procedures.

2. Assess the safety risk associated with a hazard. 2.1. Access and use risk assessment tools and template documents.

2.2. Work alone or with other personnel to use a systematic method to assess the risk.

2.3. Collect sufficient evidence of the type and level of risk posed by the identified hazard.

2.4. Document the outcome of the risk assessment, suggesting actions to eliminate or control risks.

2.5. Keep records of risk assessments according to organisational procedures.

3. Eliminate or control the risk. 3.1. Discuss ways of eliminating or controlling the risk with others.

3.2. Take measures to eliminate or control risks.

Course Overview

This short course offers health, safety, and security management training, covering topics such as providing relevant information, monitoring safe work practices, coordinating consultative arrangements, implementing risk assessment procedures, organising training, and maintaining accurate records. Gain the skills to ensure a safe and secure work environment while meeting organisational and legal requirements.


1. Provide information on health, safety and security. 1.1. Explain relevant health, safety and security information to personnel.

1.2. Make all current health, safety and security information readily accessible to staff.

2. Monitor safe work practices. 2.1. Monitor adherence to organisational health, safety and security procedures.

2.2. Monitor ongoing compliance with safe work practices.

2.3. Take prompt action to address non-compliance with procedures and safe work practices.

2.4. Monitor day-to-day effectiveness of health, safety and security practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel.

3. Coordinate consultative arrangements for the management of health, safety and security issues. 3.1. Coordinate consultative processes to provide opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on health, safety and security management practices.

3.2. Resolve or refer issues raised through health, safety and security consultation to the appropriate person.

4. Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks. 4.1. Coordinate scheduled hazard identification activities, ensuring hazards are identified at times designated by legislation.

4.2. Identify any hazards on an ongoing basis during own day-to-day workplace operations.

4.3. React to reports of hazards by other workers, and coordinate and participate in risk assessments.

4.4. Implement risk control methods or refer to appropriate person if control is outside scope of responsibility.

4.5. Monitor effectiveness of control measures, promptly identify any inadequacies, and resolve or report them to the appropriate person.

5. Coordinate health, safety and security training. 5.1. Identify health, safety and security training needs based on regular staff monitoring.

5.2. Make arrangements for fulfilling training needs.

5.3. Monitor effectiveness of training and make required adjustments.

6. Maintain health, safety and security records and reports. 6.1. Complete health, safety and security records and reports accurately and legibly and store according to organisational and legal requirements.

6.2. Use data and reports to provide reliable and timely input into the management of workplace health, safety and security.

Course Overview

This short course focuses on developing leadership skills to model high standards, foster team commitment, and effectively manage team performance. Learn to inspire and support team members, set clear objectives, encourage innovation, provide constructive feedback, and cultivate a positive work environment to maximise team performance and achieve organisational goals.


1. Model high standards of performance and behaviour. 1.1. Act as a positive role model through individual performance.

1.2. Show support for and commitment to organisational goals in day-to-day work performance.

1.3. Interact with team members in a positive and professional manner.

2. Develop team commitment and cooperation. 2.1. Develop and clearly communicate short, medium and long-term plans and objectives consistent with organisational goals in consultation with the team.

2.2. Communicate expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members to encourage them to take responsibility for own work.

2.3. Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to work.

2.4. Model and encourage open and supportive communication within the team.

2.5. Seek and share information from the wider business environment with the team.

2.6. Represent team interests in the wider business environment.

2.7. Seek feedback from team members and implement changes within the bounds of organisational goals and policies.

3. Manage team performance. 3.1. Delegate tasks and responsibilities, identify barriers to delegation, and implement processes to overcome the identified barriers.

3.2. Evaluate team member skills and provide opportunities for individual development.

3.3. Monitor team performance to ensure progress towards achievement of goals.

3.4. Provide mentoring and coaching to support team members.

3.5. Motivate individuals and teams to achieve optimum performance.

3.6. Provide recognition and rewards for team achievements.

Course Overview

This short course provides training in conflict management, covering identification, resolution, and evaluation of conflict situations. Learn to prevent escalation, establish agreements, seek solutions, and assess outcomes, ensuring a safe and productive work environment while minimising legal risks and enhancing organisational reputation.


1. Identify conflict situations. 1.1. Identify potential for conflict and take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation.

1.2. Identify situations where personal safety of customers or colleagues may be threatened and organise appropriate assistance.

1.3. Identify and use resources to assist in managing conflict.

2. Resolve conflict. 2.1. Establish and agree on the nature and details of conflict with all parties and assess impact.

2.2. Manage conflict within scope of own role and responsibilities, and according to organisational procedures.

2.3. Take responsibility for seeking a solution to conflict within scope of own role and responsibilities, seeking assistance where required.

2.4. Identify and evaluate impact of conflict on business reputation and legal liability.

2.5. Evaluate options to resolve the conflict, taking into account organisational policies and constraints.

2.6. Implement the best solution and complete required reports.

3. Evaluate conflict resolution. 3.1. Communicate with parties involved to seek and provide feedback on conflict and its resolution.

3.2. Evaluate and reflect on the conflict and effectiveness of the solution.

3.3. Determine possible causes of workplace conflict and provide input for workplace enhancement and improvements.

Course Overview

This short course offers budget management and financial reporting training, covering allocating resources, monitoring financial activities, identifying opportunities for improvement, and completing reports. Gain the skills to effectively allocate funds, monitor budget performance, identify areas for enhancement, and communicate financial information clearly and concisely to support informed decision-making processes.


1. Allocate budget resources. 1.1. Allocate funds according to budget and agreed priorities.

1.2. Discuss changes to income and expenditure priorities with relevant colleagues prior to implementation.

1.3. Consult with and inform relevant personnel about resource decisions.

1.4. Promote awareness of the importance of budget control.

1.5. Maintain detailed records of resource allocation according to organisational control systems.

2. Monitor financial activities against budget. 2.1. Identify and use relevant financial records to check actual income and expenditure against budget.

2.2. Ensure accuracy of reference records for monitoring purposes.

2.3. Identify and report deviations according to significance of deviation.

2.4. Investigate appropriate options for more effective management of deviations.

2.5. Advise relevant colleagues of budget status in relation to targets.

3. Identify and evaluate options for improved budget performance. 3.1. Assess existing costs and resources and proactively identify areas for improvement.

3.2. Discuss desired budget outcomes with relevant colleagues.

3.3. Undertake appropriate research to investigate new approaches to budget management.

3.4. Define and communicate the benefits and disadvantages of new approaches.

3.5. Take account of impacts on customer service levels and colleagues in developing new approaches.

3.6. Present clear and logical recommendations for budget management.

4. Complete financial and statistical reports. 4.1. Complete financial and statistical reports within designated timelines.

4.2. Prepare and present clear and concise information to enable informed decision making.

Course Overview

This short course provides training in project management, covering scope definition, project planning, administration, monitoring, and evaluation. Gain the skills to effectively define project objectives, develop plans, administer project activities, monitor progress, and evaluate outcomes to ensure successful project delivery and continuous improvement in future projects.


1. Define project scope. 1.1. Identify project objectives, budget, scope of activities and deliverables.

1.2. Clarify relationship of project to others and to overall organisational objectives.

1.3. Identify stakeholders and their requirements for consultation and involvement in project activities.

1.4. Confirm administrative structure for project management, individual responsibility and reporting hierarchy.

1.5. Determine required resources for the project.

2. Develop project plan. 2.1. Consult with stakeholders to facilitate input and to achieve approval for project plan.

2.2. Determine risk, regulatory and sustainability issues and incorporate into plan.

2.3. Integrate quality, financial, human and physical resource specifications for project activities.

2.4. Develop and integrate project evaluation methods.

2.5. Plan internal and external communications, public relations and marketing approaches.

2.6. Document integrated project management plan.

2.7. Communicate plan and roles and responsibilities to all involved.

3. Administer and monitor project. 3.1. Implement project activities according to plan and in conjunction with stakeholders and project team members, providing support and assistance as required.

3.2. Implement financial and quality control systems according to project plan.

3.3. Monitor progress to ensure objectives, deliverables, timelines, cost and quality of project are achieved.

3.4. Identify deviations from plan, assess and take action to re-align project activities to meet objectives.

3.5. Determine and act on the need for project variations, including additional project resources.

3.6. Provide progress and final reports according to project requirements.

3.7. Complete project within agreed timelines.

4. Evaluate project. 4.1. Assess project effectiveness at specified stages using agreed evaluation methods.

4.2. Evaluate completed project for administrative efficiency, quality and achievement of objectives.

4.3. Report outcomes to stakeholders and use information to enhance future project planning and management activities.

Course Overview

This short course offers raining in bar operations, covering preparation, customer service, drink preparation, bar closure, and safety measures. Gain the skills to efficiently set up the bar for service, take orders accurately, prepare and serve drinks to standards, close down operations responsibly, and prioritise safety and environmental sustainability throughout the process.


1. Prepare bar for service. 1.1. Set up bar display and work area according to regulatory standards, organisational procedures and style of bar service.

1.2. Check and restock bar products and materials and complete documentation.

1.3. Store all items in correct place and at correct temperature.

1.4. Complete mise en place requirements in line with organisational standards.

2. Take drink orders. 2.1. Take orders, and note or memorise them correctly.

2.2. Check and identify specific customer preferences.

2.3. Make recommendations and suggestions to assist customers with drink selection and promote or upsell products.

2.4. Receive and process customer payments.

3. Prepare and serve drinks. 3.1. Prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages according to standards, legal requirements and organisational procedures, using the correct equipment, ingredients and standard measures.

3.2. Serve drinks using appropriate glassware and garnishes.

3.3. Minimise wastage and spillage when preparing drinks.

3.4. Check beverage quality during service and take corrective action when required.

3.5. Where appropriate, report beverage quality issues promptly to the appropriate person.

3.6. Provide tray service where appropriate, according to organisational procedures.

3.7. Attend to spillages and breakages promptly and safely.

4. Close down bar operations. 4.1. Shut down equipment according to organisational safety procedures and manufacturer instructions.

4.2. Clear, clean or dismantle bar areas according to organisational procedures.

4.3. Store leftover garnishes at the correct temperature and according to food safety requirements.

4.4. Check and reorder stock according to organisational procedures.

4.5. Set up bar correctly for next service, ensuring equipment, stock and glasses are in the correct place.

4.6. Conduct a handover to incoming bar staff and share relevant information where appropriate.

5. Work safely and reduce negative environmental impacts. 5.1. Use safe work practices of specific relevance to bar operations.

5.2. Use energy, water and other resources efficiently when operating and cleaning the bar to reduce negative environmental impacts.

5.3. Recycle any glass and plastic bottles and containers.

5.4. Safely dispose of all waste and hazardous substances to minimise negative environmental impacts.

Course Overview

This short course provides training in sandwich preparation, covering ingredient selection, sandwich-making techniques, presentation, and storage. Learn to select quality ingredients, prepare sandwiches hygienically and aesthetically, and ensure proper storage and disposal practices, adhering to organisational procedures and environmental considerations.


1. Select ingredients. 1.1. Confirm sandwich requirements, based on standard recipes and customer requests.

1.2. Identify and select bread types and fillings taking account of quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.

1.3. Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination prior to preparation.

2. Make sandwiches. 2.1. Use safe food-handling practices to hygienically prepare sandwiches based on requirements.

2.2. Cut ingredients and completed sandwiches to ensure uniformity of presentation.

2.3. Combine ingredients appropriately based on flavour combinations, customer preference and standard recipes.

2.4. Use toasting and heating equipment safely, as required.

2.5. Make sandwiches in a logical and sequential manner while minimising waste.

3. Present and store sandwiches. 3.1. Present sandwiches on appropriate service-ware.

3.2. Add suitable garnishes, as required.

3.3. Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation.

3.4. Store sandwiches in appropriate environmental conditions.

3.5. Clean work area and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives.

Course Overview

This course offers appetiser and salad preparation training, covering ingredient selection, equipment usage, portioning, cooking methods, presentation, and storage. Learn to select quality ingredients, utilize appropriate equipment safely and hygienically, prepare dishes according to standard recipes, and ensure proper presentation and storage practices, adhering to organisational procedures and environmental considerations.


1. Select ingredients. 1.1. Confirm food production requirements from standard recipes.

1.2. Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.

1.3. Identify and select appetiser and salad ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.

1.4. Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination prior to preparation.

2. Select, prepare and use equipment. 2.1. Select type and size of equipment suitable to requirements.

2.2. Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.

2.3. Use equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions.

3. Portion and prepare ingredients. 3.1. Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

3.2. Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.

3.3. Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts according to quality standards.

3.4. Minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items prepared.

4. Prepare appetisers and salads. 4.1. Select and use relevant cookery methods for salads and appetisers.

4.2. Prepare sauces and dressings according to recipe.

4.3. Follow standard recipes and make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.

5. Present and store appetisers and salads. 5.1. Present prepared food items on appropriate service-ware.

5.2. Add dips, sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes.

5.3. Visually evaluate dish and  adjust presentation.

5.4. Store dishes in appropriate environmental conditions.

5.5. Clean work area and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives.

Course Overview

This course provides training in catering to special dietary requirements, covering ingredient selection, food preparation techniques, presentation, and waste management. Learn to identify and accommodate diverse dietary needs, modify recipes accordingly, present dishes attractively, and ensure efficient use of resources while adhering to organisational procedures and environmental considerations.


1. Confirm special dietary requirements and select ingredients. 1.1. Confirm dietary requirements of the customer.

1.2. Recognise potential consequences of overlooking special dietary requirements of customers.

1.3. Access special dietary recipes and select specialised ingredients.

1.4. Identify from recipes and packaging, ingredients that may cause health consequences due to food allergies or intolerance.

1.5. Exclude ingredients from dishes to meet customer requirements.

2. Prepare foods to satisfy nutritional and special dietary requirements. 2.1. Follow recipes to produce dishes for customers with special dietary requirements.

2.2. Modify menu items to meet different dietary requests by excluding or substituting ingredients.

2.3. Communicate specific dietary requirements for food preparation to other team members.

2.4. Select appropriate ingredients and preparation techniques to optimise nutritional quality of dishes.

2.5. Use appropriate equipment and cooking techniques for specific dishes.

2.6. Identify modified dishes to other team members prior to service.

3. Present prepared food. 3.1. Present food in an appetising and attractive manner.

3.2. Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation as required.

3.3. Store finished dishes in appropriate environmental conditions.

3.4. Minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items prepared.

3.5. Clean work area and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives.

Course Overview

This short course offers training in poultry preparation and cooking techniques, covering ingredient selection, equipment usage, portioning, cooking methods, presentation, and waste management. Learn to select quality ingredients, utilise appropriate equipment safely and hygienically, prepare and cook poultry dishes according to standard recipes, present dishes attractively, and ensure efficient use of resources while adhering to organisational procedures and environmental considerations.


1. Select ingredients. 1.1. Confirm food production requirements from standard recipes.

1.2. Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.

1.3. Identify and select poultry products and other ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.

2. Select, prepare and use equipment. 2.1. Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements.

2.2. Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.

2.3. Use knives and other equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions.

3. Portion and prepare ingredients. 3.1. Thaw frozen poultry according to food safety guidelines as required.

3.2. Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

3.3. Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.

3.4. Use poultry preparation techniques according to recipe requirements.

3.5. Minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items prepared.

4. Cook poultry dishes. 4.1. Follow standard recipes to select and use cookery methods for poultry.

4.2. Prepare poultry accompaniments and add marinades as required.

4.3. Make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.

5. Present poultry dishes. 5.1. Carve poultry using appropriate tools and techniques, taking account of meat and bone structure and waste minimisation.

5.2. Portion and serve poultry according to recipe requirements.

5.3. Add sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes.

5.4. Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation as required.

5.5. Store prepared food items in appropriate environmental conditions.

5.6, Clean work area, and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives.

Course Overview

This short course equips you with the skills to master the art of preparing flavorful stocks, sauces, and soups, covering ingredient selection, equipment usage, portioning, cooking methods, presentation, and storage techniques. Learn to select quality ingredients, use appropriate equipment safely and hygienically, prepare delicious stocks, sauces, and soups according to standard recipes, present dishes attractively, and ensure efficient use of resources while adhering to organisational procedures and environmental considerations.


1. Select ingredients. 1.1. Confirm food production requirements from standard recipes.

1.2. Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.

1.3. Identify and select ingredients for stocks, sauces and soups from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.

1.4. Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination prior to preparation.

2. Select, prepare and use equipment. 2.1. Select type and size of equipment suitable to requirements.

2.2. Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.

2.3. Use equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions.

3. Portion and prepare ingredients. 3.1. Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

3.2. Weigh and measure ingredients according to recipe.

3.3. Clean and cut ingredients as required using basic culinary cuts according to culinary standards.

3.4. Minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items prepared.

4. Prepare stocks, sauces and soups. 4.1. Follow standard recipes, select and use cookery methods to prepare stocks, sauces and soups.

4.2. Use flavouring agents according to standard recipes.

4.3. Use clarifying techniques according to standard recipes.

4.4. Use thickening agents and convenience products according to standard recipes.

4.5. Make derivations from basic sauces, both hot and cold where required.

4.6. Make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.

5. Present and store stocks, sauces and soups. 5.1. Reconstitute or re-thermalise stocks, sauces and soups to required consistencies.

5.2. Present soups and sauces attractively on appropriate service-ware, using garnishes according to standard recipes.

5.3. Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation.

5.4. Store prepared food items in appropriate environmental conditions.

5.5. Clean work area and dispose of or store surplus and reusable by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost reduction initiatives.

Course Overview

This course guides you through the art of creating delectable desserts and sauces, covering ingredient selection, equipment usage, portioning, production methods, presentation, and storage techniques. Learn to select quality ingredients, use appropriate equipment safely and hygienically, produce a variety of desserts and sauces, plate them attractively, and ensure efficient resource use while maintaining organisational standards and environmental sustainability.


1. Select ingredients. 1.1. Confirm food production requirements from standard recipes.

1.2. Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.

1.3. Identify and select ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.

2. Select, prepare and use equipment. 2.1. Select type and size of equipment suitable to requirements.

2.2. Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.

2.3. Use equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions.

3. Portion and prepare ingredients. 3.1. Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

3.2. Weigh and measure wet and dry ingredients according to the recipe and quantity of desserts required.

3.3. Minimise waste to maximise profitability of desserts produced.

4. Produce desserts and sauces. 4.1. Produce desserts following standard recipes to achieve desired product characteristics.

4.2. Follow special dietary recipes to produce desserts for those with special dietary requirements.

4.3. Produce dessert sauces of correct temperature, consistency and flavour.

4.4. Make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.

5. Portion, present and store desserts. 5.1. Portion desserts to maximise yield and profitability of food production.

5.2. Complement desserts by using accompaniments and garnishes that enhance flavour and texture of desserts.

5.3. Plate desserts attractively, according to standard recipes and practicality of service.

5.4. Store desserts in appropriate environmental conditions.

5.5. Clean work area and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives.

Course Overview

This course explores the art of evaluating and advising on food and beverage pairings, covering the compatibility of wines, beers, spirits, and liqueurs with various cuisines and cooking methods. Learn to provide expert advice to customers and colleagues, tailored to their specific needs and preferences, while staying updated on emerging trends and customer taste preferences to support organisational activities effectively.


1. Evaluate foods and beverages. 1.1. Assess the compatibility of both Australian and imported wines with various food items and cuisines.

1.2. Assess the compatibility of beers, spirits and liqueurs with various food items and cuisines.

1.3. Determine the ways in which different methods of cooking affect food compatibility with different beverages.

1.4. Evaluate the ways in which food features affect interactions with different beverages.

1.5. Determine the ways in which beverage production techniques affect beverage compatibility with different foods.

2. Provide advice on food and beverage compatibility. 2.1. Provide informed opinions and ideas to customers to support the selection of compatible food and beverage items.

2.2. Exchange and discuss options, ideas and information in a manner that builds positive rapport with customers and colleagues.

2.3. Provide tailored food and beverage matching advice that is appropriate to the specific need.

2.4. Take account of business considerations when providing advice.

2.5. Adapt and adjust advice appropriately to meet particular organisational requirements.

3. Extend and update own knowledge of food and beverage compatibility. 3.1. Research information on current and emerging food and beverage service trends and customer preferences.

3.2. Identify customer taste trends based on customer contact and workplace interaction.

3.3. Provide informed input about food and beverage matching to support organisational activities.

Course Overview

This course provides training on developing, presenting, and evaluating staff rosters, covering key aspects such as maximising operational efficiency, adhering to wage budgets, and considering social and cultural factors. Learn to create clear and effective rosters while maintaining accurate records and continuously improving rostering processes.


1. Develop staff rosters. 1.1. Develop rosters according to relevant industrial agreements, other considerations and wage budgets.

1.2. Maximise operational and customer service efficiency while minimising wage costs.

1.3. Combine duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff.

1.4. Roster teams with complementary skills mix to meet operational requirements.

1.5. Take account of social and cultural considerations and broader organisational policies that affect staff rosters.

1.6. Consult with colleagues to obtain their input into rosters.

1.7. Use roster systems and equipment to administer rosters.

2. Present and communicate rosters. 2.1. Present rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of information according to organisational standards.

2.2. Communicate rosters to appropriate colleagues within designated timeframes.

3. Maintain rostering records. 3.1. Administer records of shift time completed by employees or contractors.

3.2. Maintain staff rostering records according to organisational procedures.

4. Evaluate rosters. 4.1. Monitor effectiveness of rosters in consultation with colleagues.

4.2. Identify ways in which rosters and roster development processes may be improved and take appropriate action.

Course Overview

This course focuses on effective communication with diverse backgrounds, emphasising respect, sensitivity, and the ability to address cross-cultural misunderstandings in the workplace. Learn to navigate social and cultural differences, overcome language barriers, and resolve conflicts through understanding and collaboration, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.


1. Communicate with customers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds. 1.1. Treat customers and colleagues from different social and cultural groups with respect and sensitivity.

1.2. Respond to social and cultural differences in verbal and non-verbal communication.

1.3. Respond to others in a non-discriminatory way.

1.4. Make attempts to overcome language barriers.

1.5. Seek help with communication when necessary.

2. Address cross-cultural misunderstandings. 2.1. Identify social and cultural issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

2.2. Address difficulties and seek assistance from others when necessary.

2.3. Consider social and cultural differences when difficulties or misunderstandings occur.

2.4. Make efforts to resolve misunderstandings, taking account of social and cultural considerations.

2.5. Escalate problems and unresolved issues to appropriate supervisor or manager for follow-up.

Course Overview

Explore the fundamentals of food service and production, from ingredient calculation to mise en place, emphasising teamwork and efficient workflow. Learn to cook and present menu items to meet customer expectations while maintaining safety, hygiene, and teamwork standards. Develop strategies to address issues and conflicts effectively in a kitchen environment.


1. Organise and prepare for food service or production. 1.1. Determine and calculate ingredient quantities to meet organisational requirements for quality and style according to recipes and specifications.

1.2. Complete mise en place lists that are clear, complete and appropriate to the situation.

1.3. Liaise with other team members about menu requirements, workgroup and job roles.

1.4. Follow a work flow to maximise efficiency, taking into consideration time, resources and the roles and responsibilities of other team members.

1.5. Complete food organisation and preparation according to different workgroup, food production and service requirements.

2. Cook and present menu items for food service or production. 2.1. Select and use appropriate commercial equipment to produce menu items in line with manufacturer specifications.

2.2. Cook menu items according to menu type and service style, using appropriate cookery methods, adjusting where required.

2.3. Adjust menu items and ingredients to meet special requests or dietary requirements of customers.

2.4. Produce menu items to meet customer expectations of quality, appeal of presentation and timeliness of delivery.

2.5. Work supportively as part of a kitchen team and delegate tasks appropriately, in a manner that promotes cooperation and good relationships.

2.6. Follow workplace safety and hygiene procedures according to organisational and legislative requirements.

2.7. Maintain cleanliness and tidiness of the work environment.

3. Complete end of shift requirements. 3.1. Complete end of shift pack down according to organisational procedures.

3.2. Store food items appropriately to minimise food spoilage, contamination and waste.

3.3. Participate in post-shift debrief or handover, encouraging, acknowledging and acting on constructive feedback.

4. Deal effectively with issues, problems and conflict in the kitchen. 4.1. Respect differences in personal values and beliefs, linguistic and cultural differences and their importance in the development of relationships.

4.2. Identify issues, problems and conflict encountered in the workplace.

4.3. Seek assistance from workgroup members when issues, problems and conflict arise and suggest possible ways of dealing with them as appropriate or refer them to the appropriate person.

Course Overview

Explore the essentials of service preparation and provision, mastering tasks from organising work schedules to delivering quality customer service efficiently and professionally. Learn to navigate operational duties effectively, ensuring adherence to safety protocols, cleanliness standards, and seamless end-of-shift procedures while fostering a collaborative and customer-centric work environment.


1. Prepare for service. 1.1. Plan and organise tasks from organisational information.

1.2. Develop and review work schedules and liaise with team members to confirm and inform others of service requirements.

1.3. Prepare work area, equipment and supplies according to procedures to meet service requirements.

2. Provide service. 2.1. Provide quality customer service, using appropriate methods and techniques to meet customer expectations of quality, presentation and timeliness of delivery.

2.2. Offer relevant customer information on products and services.

2.3. Assist customer with choices that meet individual needs, special requests and cultural requirements.

2.4. Proactively promote, upsell and cross-sell products and services according to organisational procedures.

2.5. Resolve complaints within scope of own responsibility and use appropriate communication techniques to deal with conflict.

3. Complete operational tasks. 3.1. Follow work schedules and work cooperatively as part of a team to maximise efficiency.

3.2. Follow workplace safety and hygiene procedures.

3.3. Maintain cleanliness and tidiness of work areas.

3.4. Use organisational procedures and technology for operational tasks.

3.5. Identify and anticipate operational problems and take action to minimise the effect on customer satisfaction.

4. Complete end of shift duties. 4.1. Follow end of shift procedures.

4.2. Complete administration and reporting requirements.

4.3. Participate in debriefing and handover sessions with colleagues and suggest service improvements.

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