Under 18 Enrolment Form

It is a requirement that parental/guardian consent is obtained from parents/legal guardians for students under the age of 18 years to be able to participate in a course with Australian Online Courses Pty Ltd. Please read the Enrolment Terms and Conditions before completing this form. A Tax Invoice will be issued within 60 minutes during business hours.

Parent/Guardian Declaration

I, the parent/legal guardian of the Participant(Required)
Participant Email(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY

understand that by submitting this form I am declaring that:

1. I identify as the participant's parent or guardian;

2. I have ensured the myself and the participant have read, understood and accepted the enrolment Terms and Conditions that apply to the participant; and

3. I consent to the participant listed herein participating in adult education and learning and engaging with content delivered and assessed by Australian Online Courses Pty Ltd which may contain mature content.

Parent/Legal Guardian Full Name(Required)