Land restoration is significant to many industries, from farming to landscaping and environmental consulting. Learn how to choose, grow and manage the best tree species for any situation in this tree rehabilitation course.
Certificate of Tree Rehabilitation is an online professional development program that will explain environmental systems and the rehabilitation of degraded landscapes.
Throughout this tree rehabilitation course, you will learn how to incorporate soil management, tree cultivation, ecology and post-planting management.
You will also learn about seed collection, storage and germination, propagation, plant selection, establishment techniques and how to control pests and disease after planting.
On completion of this course, you will have gained the foundational understanding required to maintain healthy rehabilitation systems.
Course Structure
Unit - Trees for Rehabilitation
Unit 1 – Approaches to Land Rehabilitation
- Caring for the environment
- The importance of trees
- erosion control
- Understanding plants
- Understanding plant identification
- Land management programs
- Biodiversity
- Soil degradation
- Types of soil degradation
- Erosion
- Human causes of erosion
- Types of erosion
- Water erosion
- Wind erosion
- Control of erosion
- Salinity
- Sources of salt
- Control methods for salinity
- Soil acidification
- Compaction and chemical residues
- Rehabilitation
Unit 2 – Ecology of Soils and Plant Health
- Biomass
- Constituents of an ecosystem
- Abiotic components
- Biotic components: the living organisms
- Ecological concepts
- The web of life
- Relationships between plants and animal
- Indigenous species
- Creating habitat corridors for wildlife
- Benefits for indigenous vegetation and local landowners
- Situating and types of corridors
- Design considerations
- The “edge effect”
- What can happen at “edges”
- Soil and how they develop naturally
- Mechanical weathering
- Chemical weathering
- The soil environment
- Soil composition and micro-organisms
- Organic matter
- Water, air and soil temperature
- Mycorrhizae
- Soil physical characteristics
- Soil texture and structure
- Identifying your soil type
- Soil chemical characteristics (soil pH)
- Cation exchange capacity
- Adjusting pH
- Ph and nutrient availability
- Buffering capacity
- Improving soils
- Plant nutrition
- The macronutrients
- The micronutrients
- Choosing the right fertiliser
- Organic versus inorganic fertilisers – which is better?
- Diagnosis of nutritional problems
- Pests and diseases
- Plant growth
- Environmental factors
- Biological controls
- Lifecycles and pest lifecycle
- Preventative control
Unit 3 – Introduction to Seed Propagation Techniques
- Seed propagation
- Seed sources
- Four main sources of seed
- Maintaining genetic identity in seed
- Hybrid seed production
- Why do plants produce so much seed?
- Collecting and harvesting seed – guidelines
- Selecting plants to collect from
- Timing
- Methods of collection
- Cleaning and storing seeds
- Germination treatments
- Soaking in boiling water
- Stratification (moist chilling)
- Fire
- Leaching seeds
- Sowing your seeds
- When to sow
- Propagation media
- Containers for propagation
- Plastic seedling trays
- Sowing directly into pots
- The bog method
- Pricking out or tubing seedlings
- Quality control – the U.C. System of soil mixes
- Rules to maintain sanitation
- Production system
- Propagation stage
- Transplanting stage
- Growing on stage
- Distribution stage
- Sources of seed and information
- Books on seed sand seeds germination
Unit 4 – Propagation and Nursery Stock
- Asexual propagation
- Why use cuttings
- How to propagate a cutting
- Classification of cutting types
- Softwood cuttings
- Semi-hardwood (greenwood) cuttings
- Hardwood cuttings
- Nodal cuttings basal cuttings root cuttings
- Selecting and planting out stock plants
- Treatment throughout the year
- Stock plants for root cuttings
- Ways of getting roots on difficult to root cuttings
- Hormone treatments
- Improving strike rate
- Nursery hygiene
- Spreading of pests and diseases
- Recommended nursery hygiene practices
- Propagating mixes and potting soil mixes
- How to maintain plants in pots
- Removing the plant from the container
- Potting a small plant into a larger pot
- Feeding and watering
- Ventilation and light and temperature
- Growing-on areas for container plants
- Hardening-off rooted cuttings
- The greenhouse structures
- Heated or unheated
- Siting greenhouses
- Greenhouse benching
- Problems with greenhouses
- Environmental controls and factors in the greenhouse
- Temperature control
- Greenhouse irrigation methods
- Run-off and leachate
- Sound irrigation practices
- Irrigation systems and overhead spray lines
- Flood benches and capillary watering
- Trickle irrigation
- Pulse watering and watering cans
- What is a perched water table?
- Other structures for growing plants
- Cold frames and heated propagators
- Shade houses
- Production areas
- How to propagate different species
Unit 5 – Dealing with Chemical Problems
- Soil contamination
- Symptoms on plants of chemical contamination
- Soil contamination
- Symptoms on plants of chemical contamination
- Foliage burn
- Treating foliage burn
- Rehabilitating damaged soils
- Prevention is the first step
- Accidental spillage
- Some rehabilitation methods used
- Using plants to extract contamination
- Growing plants on contaminated soil
- Rehabilitating a building site (home garden)
- Soil chemical composition and plant growth
- Alkaline soils – growing tolerant plants
- Dealing with soils that are lime contaminated
- Trees which grow in lime soils
Unit 6 – Physical Plant Effects on Degraded sites
- Rehabilitating a degraded site
- Pioneer plants
- Site protection
- Windbreaks/shelterbelts
- Windbreak design
- Designing and planting a firebreak
- Maintenance: points to remember
- Fire resistant plants
- Plants which are more likely to burn include:
- Stormwater, waterlogging and drainage
- Drainage
- Water-logging on a home-site
- Wet areas
- Improving drainage on heavy clay soils
- Create a bog garden in areas that sometimes dry out
- Constructing a sump
- Soil compaction
Unit 7 – Plant Establishment Programs
- What to plant where
- Climate and temperature
- Frosts, wind and hazards
- Microclimates
- Plant selection criteria
- Availability and cost of obtaining plants
- Ease of handling and establishment
- Sundry materials and labour costs
- Ongoing costs vandalism, pruning, fertilising and watering
- Longevity and general hardiness
- When to plant
- Plant protection methods (staking and frost and sun protection)
- Mulching and fencing
- Wind protection
Unit 8 – Hostile Environments
- Areas hostile to re-vegetation
- Planning
- Rehabilitation techniques
- Coping with dry conditions
- Overcoming dry soils
- Mulch
- Mulch materials
- How to lay mulch
- Commonly used organic mulches
- Mulch materials
- Weed management
- Useful weeds
- How are weeds spread
- Preventative measures
- Weed control
- Commonly used herbicides
- Trees and large shrubs which tolerate salt (temperate climate)
- Plants which tolerate salt (warmer climate)
Unit 9 – Plant Establishment Care
- Planting procedures
- Deciduous and bare-rooted plants
- Water and plant growth
- Transpiration
- Maintaining appropriate water levels
- Symptoms of water deficiency
- Symptoms of excess water
- Period of watering
- Minimising plant water requirements
- Plant health – conducting an inspection
- Diagnose plant troubles
Unit 10 – Rehabilitating Degraded Sites
- Environmental assessment
- An environmental audit
- Implementing a land rehabilitation management program
- Determining land objectives
- Pants for a rehabilitation program
- Replanting
Study Hours
Estimated duration 50 hours
Course Delivery and Start
Start anytime, self-paced and 100% online
Assessment will be comprised of written exercises, including short-answer questions, reflective tasks, short reports and/or projects. There are no examinations or due dates for assessment. As a result, you can complete training in your own time and at your own pace with the assistance of unlimited tutor support.
Approval and Recognition
Australian Online Courses Pty Ltd is an approved and recognised member of IARC. The IARC is an International association that recognises quality and excellence in tertiary education providers.
About Us
A Certificate of Attainment and Statement of Results will be issued upon successful completion of this course.
How to Enrol
Enrol Online: Enrol Now
Enrol via Live Chat (Business Hours)
Enrol via Telephone 1300 76 2221 (Business Hours)
Enrol via Purchase Order/Tax Invoice
Enrolling Multiple Staff?
To enrol multiple staff, please complete the Employer Enrolment Form. We’ll be in touch within 60 minutes during business hours!
Payment Options
Visa, Mastercard, BPAY and EFT/Direct Deposit. Please allow 1-2 Business days for processing for EFT and BPAY.
Course FAQs
Why Choose Australian Online Courses?
- Professional development that is widely recognised and respected;
- Improve your employment opportunities;
- Study online, anywhere via our elearning system;
- High-quality professional development programs written by industry experts;
- All course materials provided online – no textbooks to buy;
- Unlimited tutor support via email;
- We offer twelve (12) months’ access, with extensions available upon application (fees apply);
- Course may be tax deductible; see your tax advisor.
Are there any entry requirements or pre-requisites?
There are no course or subject pre-requisites for entry into our programs. However, our professional development programs are generally intended for people over the age of 18. In some circumstances, enrolments from younger people may be considered. Please complete the AOC Parent Guardian Consent Form prior to enrolling and submit here.
Are there any computer requirements?
To study online with Australian Online Courses you will need a computer (desktop PC/laptop) running a current/updated operating system with reliable high-speed internet access. You will need to use the Google Chrome browser to access your course.
When can I start this course?
You can start within 60 minutes during business hours when you enrol and pay in full with a credit card!
Credit card: Within 60 mins during business hours.
BPAY: Within 1-2 working days.
Internet Banking: Within 1-2 working days.
Cheque/Money Order: Upon receipt of mailed cheque.
How is this course delivered?
This course is delivered online via our easy-to-navigate Learning Management System (LMS), where you will discover interactive online learning/written content, resources and assessment.
Do I need to attend classes or undertake any work placements?
No. All courses are delivered online via our LMS and there are no work placement requirements in this course.
What support can I expect from Australian Online Courses?
Unlimited tutor support is available throughout your studies via email only during business hours Monday to Friday. Our Administrative team are available Monday to Friday via email, live chat and telephone.
I am an international student. Can I enrol into this course?
Yes! We accept enrolments from individuals both within Australia and internationally; location is no barrier to entry into our programs.
Career Pathways
Future growth
Professional Development for:
- Farmers
- Landscapers
- Environmental Consultants
- Land managers
- Park Managers
- Gardeners