Whether you work in horticulture or want to propagate for pleasure or profit, this course is ideal professional development for beginners.
Certificate of Home Propagation (Beginners) is an online plant propagation course that will provide you with the skills required in general plant propagation.
In this professional development course, you will learn about various propagation methods and techniques and how to overcome propagation problems. You will also learn about the equipment and materials required to propagate and produce new plants.
On completion of this course, you will have the fundamental skills required for plant propagation.
Course Structure
Unit - Home Propagation (Beginners)
Unit 1 – Methods of Propagation
- Methods of propagating plants
- Sexual propagation
- Asexual propagation
- Asexual (vegetative)
- Aseptic micro propagation
- Runners, suckers, layering
- Separation, division
- Grafting
- Budding and cuttings
- Plant classification
- Decisions before starting
- Form of product
- Growing stages
- Quantity and quality
Unit 2 – Propagating Structures and Equipment
- Growing plants in a greenhouse
- What can you grow?
- Types of greenhouses
- Heated or unheated
- Deciding on what you need
- Siting greenhouses
- Problems with greenhouses
- Other structures for growing plants
- Cold frames
- Heated propagators
- Shade houses
- Shade house designs
- Simple structures for propagating plants
Unit 3 – Propagating Materials
- Propagating mixes
- Commonly used mixes
- Vermiculite
- Perlite, sand, rockwool, peat moss
- Potting media
- Potting soil mixes
- Pine bark
- Factors affecting fertiliser application
- Cation exchange capacity
- pH measurement
- Containers for propagation
- Containers for potting up of plants
- Propagation tools
- Secateurs
- Knives
Unit 4 – Seed Propagation
- Growing plants from seed
- Collecting and handling seed
- Cross-pollination
- Disease
- Desiccation
- Time to collect seed
- Germination
- Germination treatments
- Stimulating germination
- Hygiene
- Where to sow seeds
- Sowing seeds in a container
- Sowing seeds in an open bed
- Sowing seeds in a protected bed
- Storing seeds
- Factors affecting storage of seed
- Types of seed storage
- Open store, dry store
- Cold store and cold moist store
- Handling seedlings
- Pricking out or tubing seedlings
- Propagating ferns
Unit 5 – Propagation by Cuttings
- Cuttings
- Why cuttings?
- How to propagate a cutting
- Classification of cuttings types
- Types of cuttings
- Variations
- Softwood cuttings
- Semi-hardwood cuttings
- Hardwood cuttings
- Herbaceous cuttings
- Other types of cuttings
- Stock plants
- Selecting stock plants
- Hormone treatments
- The alternative hormones
- Cytokinins
- Gibberellins
- Improving strike rate
- How to maintain plants in pots
- Re potting plants
- Feeding, watering,
- Temperature ventilation and light
- Growing-on areas for container plants
- Stop roots growing into the soil
- Hardening-off rooted cuttings
- Labels
Unit 7 – Budding and Grafting
- Reasons for budding and grafting
- How a graft forms
- Factors which influence healing of a graft
- General grafting hints
- Carpentry of grafting
- What can be grafted onto what?
- Examples of compatible rootstocks and scions
- Types of grafts
- Budding
- Whip and tongue graft
- Top graft and side graft
- Approach grafting
- Irrigated graft
- Nurse seed graft
- Root grafting
- Lilac grafting
- Soft tissue grafting
- Grafting tapes
Unit 8 – Propagation of Specific Plants
- Choosing species
- Common types of specialisation
- Specialist nurseries
- typical propagation methods
- List of plants grown by cutting methods
- Abelia
- Acer palmatum
- Actinidia (chinese goose-berry)
- Andromeda
- Azalea (evergreen types)
- Berberis
- Buddleia
- Bursaria
- Buxus
- Callistemon
- Camellia
- Caustis
- Cedrus (cedars)
- Ceanothus
- Chaenomeles japonica (flowering quince)
- Chamaecyparissus (false cypress)
- Clematis
- Daphne
- Erica
- Euphorbia pulcherima (poinsettia)
- Forsythia
- Fuchsia
- Grevillea
- Hebe (veronica)
- Hedera (ivy)
- Hydrangea
- Hibiscus
- Jasminum
- Lilium
- Juniperus (juniper)
- Magnolia
- Phlox paniculata (garden phlox)
- Protea
- Rhododenderon
- Rosa
- Rosmarinus(rosemary)
- Saintpaulia ioantha (african violet)
- Syringia(lilac)
- Viburnum
- Wisteria
Unit 9 – Managing Plants After Propagating
- Plants and water
- Water excess and water deficiency
- Fertiliser applications through the irrigation system
- Greenhouse irrigation methods
- Run-off and leachate
- Sound irrigation practices
- Irrigation systems
- Overhead spray lines
- Flood benches
- Capillary watering
- Trickle irrigation
- Pulse watering
- Watering cans
- What is a perched water table?
- Greenhouse pest and disease management
- Cleanliness in the glasshouse
- The U.C. System and minimising disease
- Integrated pest and disease management
- Control methods
- Diseases
- Damping-off disease
- Sooty mould
- Wilt
- Botrytis
- Mildew
- Collar rot
- Plant viruses
- Virus control
- Pests
- Aphis (aphids)
- Woolly aphid (eriosoma lanigerum)
- Leaf miner
- Mealy bug
- Millipedes
- Mites, including red spider mite
- Scale insects
- Slugs, snails and thrip
- Nursery nutrition
- The nutrient elements
- Major elements
- Minor elements
- Total salts
- Diagnosis of plant disorders
- Plant modification to achieve uniformity
- Modification techniques
Unit 10 – Layout and Organisation of a Propagation (and Growing On) Area
- Plant production site
- Production areas
- Mother stock area
- Propagation area
- Potting up area
- Growing on area
- Production systems
- Operational flow chart for seed propagation
- Propagation stage
- Transplanting stage
- Growing-on stage
- Marketing stage
Study Hours
Estimated duration 50 hours
Course Delivery and Start
Start anytime, self-paced and 100% online
Assessment will be comprised of written exercises, including short-answer questions, reflective tasks, short reports and/or projects. There are no examinations or due dates for assessment. As a result, you can complete training in your own time and at your own pace with the assistance of unlimited tutor support.
Approval and Recognition
Australian Online Courses Pty Ltd is an approved and recognised member of IARC. The IARC is an International association that recognises quality and excellence in tertiary education providers.
About Us
A Certificate of Attainment and Statement of Results will be issued upon successful completion of this course.
How to Enrol
Enrol Online: Enrol Now
Enrol via Live Chat (Business Hours)
Enrol via Telephone 1300 76 2221 (Business Hours)
Enrol via Purchase Order/Tax Invoice
Enrolling Multiple Staff?
To enrol multiple staff, please complete the Employer Enrolment Form. We’ll be in touch within 60 minutes during business hours!
Payment Options
Visa, Mastercard, BPAY and EFT/Direct Deposit. Please allow 1-2 Business days for processing for EFT and BPAY.
Course FAQs
Why Choose Australian Online Courses?
- Professional development that is widely recognised and respected;
- Improve your employment opportunities;
- Study online, anywhere via our elearning system;
- High-quality professional development programs written by industry experts;
- All course materials provided online – no textbooks to buy;
- Unlimited tutor support via email;
- We offer twelve (12) months’ access, with extensions available upon application (fees apply);
- Course may be tax deductible; see your tax advisor.
Are there any entry requirements or pre-requisites?
There are no course or subject pre-requisites for entry into our programs. However, our professional development programs are generally intended for people over the age of 18. In some circumstances, enrolments from younger people may be considered. Please complete the AOC Parent Guardian Consent Form prior to enrolling and submit here.
Are there any computer requirements?
To study online with Australian Online Courses you will need a computer (desktop PC/laptop) running a current/updated operating system with reliable high-speed internet access. You will need to use the Google Chrome browser to access your course.
When can I start this course?
You can start within 60 minutes during business hours when you enrol and pay in full with a credit card!
Credit card: Within 60 mins during business hours.
BPAY: Within 1-2 working days.
Internet Banking: Within 1-2 working days.
Cheque/Money Order: Upon receipt of mailed cheque.
How is this course delivered?
This course is delivered online via our easy-to-navigate Learning Management System (LMS), where you will discover interactive online learning/written content, resources and assessment.
Do I need to attend classes or undertake any work placements?
No. All courses are delivered online via our LMS and there are no work placement requirements in this course.
What support can I expect from Australian Online Courses?
Unlimited tutor support is available throughout your studies via email only during business hours Monday to Friday. Our Administrative team are available Monday to Friday via email, live chat and telephone.
I am an international student. Can I enrol into this course?
Yes! We accept enrolments from individuals both within Australia and internationally; location is no barrier to entry into our programs.
Career Pathways
Future growth
Professional Development for:-
- Horticulturist
- Gardener